Digital photography is, contrary to popular opinion, more costly than film photography was back in the day. Modern DSLRs are more costly than film cameras, because while there are no extra film and printing costs needed for the former, we end up spending on external hard drives and even laptops that can handle our unlimited quantities of digital media.

But we don’t have to let our small budgets deter us from getting into videography or digital photography, do we? For a much cheaper price, we have the option of buying used but perfectly capable camera equipment. Around the same time, more and more people are searching for cheaper alternatives for their equipment, so your used equipment is certainly on the market.

Clean Your Equipment

In order to look presentable for customers, the first optimal step is to get your gear washed. Receiving goods that are not only used but are also not well taken care of is one of the most frustrating things that can happen to a customer. Plus, if you can make them look almost as good as fresh, you can improve the value of your items.


The next move is to categorize your things if you have plenty of stuff to sell. Collect your cameras, lenses, philters, battery grips, memory cards, lighting systems, accessories (such as reflectors and tripods), etc.

When categorizing your pieces, one thing that you can consider is that bundling them into sets can make your sales more attractive. You will let go of more of your things in a single sale at the same time.

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Workout the timeline

It’s always time versus money when it comes to selling or exchanging your gadgets. You still have the option to sell your camera as soon as possible, but that would mean turning to fast selling opportunities for camera trade-ins or sales, such as pawn shops or other similar avenues. They buy your camera for a much cheaper price compared to a properly marketed offer, as you might already know.

Therefore, if you want to get the value of your camera, read on and expect the offer, depending on what you sell, to take a while.

Do surveys

This is the part where you ultimately get to set a price on your goods. When you browse through camera retail sites or ask in shops for current prices for second-hand camera equipment, prepare to be shocked or disappointed. When you find out how much the same goods are sold for, you should have a pretty good idea of your gears current resale and trading value.

Take good photographs Take pictures of your things before you put your ad out there. You’ll need to make sure they’re clear high-quality images that cover all the important parts of your camera and equipment (if not every inch), particularly if you’re not going to be able to show your equipment in person to potential buyers. Areas of interest, such as hinges, handles, and glass surfaces, don’t miss out.

Conduct a final test run

Take this chance to say farewell to your favourite gear and test it one last time. Take a few shots around the space you’re in, make sure there are no problem spots in the photos that can reveal some dirt or harm to your lens or camera sensor, check the AF motors of your lenses, test your flashes, and so on. You can either get them patched before selling them or note them in your ad and change your prices accordingly if you encounter any issues.

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The Internet is a great place, particularly with virtually everyone glued to their phones and laptops, to sell both brand new and used cameras. It literally takes seconds to search for your desired equipment on online retailing sites, and so get the word out about your gear.

Joel Van Zeventer is working as a Freelance Photographer. He is mainly dealing with Wedding Photography and already started earning loads of fame and reputation. Apart from being a photographer he also loves to share her thoughts and experiences by writing useful and informative articles, journals and blogs about Cameras, Lenses and other photography equipment to help people who the best solution. Today’s article is based on Sell Used Camera Equipment and an array of Guidelines to photographers which can bring all necessary information before Selling to Online Retailer.

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