With an average user base of 100 million/week, Instagram has taken the social media world by storm.

Even though Twitter and Facebook still remain a business staple, IG is close behind in the curve.

But, just because you have some good photos and know which hashtags to use doesn’t mean it will gain your business enough followers.

You can check the how to get instagram followers tutorials, but that won’t help you get ahead in the game because you still won’t know what mistakes you are making.

This is why we have come to help you.

Stay tuned with us and find out why your Instagram is not working.

Why Isn’t Your Instagram Strategy Working?

If you want your Instagram strategy to generate the best results for you, you must rectify your mistakes. But, for that, you must find out what you are doing wrong.

Let’s find out why your Insta strategy isn’t working. 

#1: You’re Not Consistent

  • Are you posting information on a consistent and predictable schedule? 
  • When can your followers expect to see your posts?
  • Are you posting new content when most of your audience is inactive?

Being consistent is one of the most effective methods to develop trust and recognition for your business. 

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To be recognized as a trustworthy and recognizable company, stay on top of content and brand development. 

Successful brands publish content consistently to stay ahead in the game.


Keep a regular posting schedule, stick to it, use the right hashtags and see if your content is easy to find. 

#2: You Get Distracted

On Instagram, there’s so much to see and be inspired by; it’s the home of the modern-day influencer. 

While it’s excellent to learn from successful businesses and to participate in trends and challenges when they’re relevant to your business, it’s also quite easy to become distracted from your own goals. 

Vanity metrics are one of the major pitfalls a company can fall into, sabotaging corporate success.

So, stay true to your goal, and you will see those posts generating new followers for you in no time.


Set your goals, incorporate trends that work for your brand, acknowledge the kind of content which won’t work for you, and bring in the ideal customer.

#3: You Lack Understanding Of Sales Funnels

The sales funnel depicts the theoretical stages that a potential consumer goes through from being aware of your brand to acquiring a product or service. 

Before they convert into a customer, people need to hear or see your brand seven times. This will influence how you use social media to engage with your audience. 

It will also have a huge impact on whatever advertising you conduct.

Consider your Instagram profile to be a storefront. This is where potential clients will learn about you and become interested in what you have to offer.

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If you post regularly, use relevant hashtags, find your voice, and include a clear CTA, you will convert more audience into loyal customers, and they will generate your revenue.

#4: You Are Not So Popular Yet

Trying to compete with huge brands with big expenditures can be challenging. 

Having a lot of influence in an industry, on the other hand, isn’t the only method to establish trust, loyalty, and interest in a brand. 

It’s critical to establish brand loyalty and trust if you’re a new business. 

Social media may become a circus if your products and services aren’t central to your branding. 

When customers encounter a brand they are unfamiliar with; they will be hesitant to spend money if they are unsure of what they are getting.


Allow your clients’ experiences to tell the story by providing exceptional value, clear communication, superb customer service, and precise focus. 

5: You Lack Networking

It’s important to remember that social media is just that: social. 

If you try to go it alone, you may end up doing more work for yourself instead of making, developing, and utilizing connections to help you flourish. 

This is true for both rival brands and potential customers. 

Interacting with other users is the first step toward developing relationships that can be nurtured. This assists potential customers in navigating your marketing funnel and allows you to pursue future brand partnerships. 


By publishing consumer posts and connecting with your followers via comments and direct messaging, you can establish new partnerships and engage with them more effectively.

Read Also :   A Quick Guide to Social Media for Small Businesses

Get Insta Ready!!!

Now that you’ve figured out why your Instagram strategies are not working, you can fix them up.

But, before you do that, take a look at the solutions we’ve given here, and make sure you put them to use.

Then, and only then, your business will be Insta ready!!!


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