When they receive a birth injury diagnosis, parents are left wondering about what the next steps should be. If you believe there was a birth defect the result of medical negligence, it might be advisable to engage an attorney. A reputable birth injury lawyer can help you recover the money needed to cover the various expenses involved in caring for a child who has an illness that is chronic or handicapped. Additionally, they are able to make accountable medical professionals and other organizations that have been negligent accountable, ensuring the justice your child deserves, and preventing similar injuries from happening to other infants.

It is crucial to select the best attorney: one that is well-versed in this particular type of case and who truly wants to help your family. The top birth injury lawyers strictly practice this kind of legal procedure and have confidence of their ability to operate on a contingency fees agreement. That means you will not be charged a penny throughout the legal process, unless they win your case. On this page we’ll provide additional advice and tips to remember when looking for the best Washington birth injury lawyer.

Questions you should inquire about your prospective birth injury lawyer

Particular questions and points of importance to be aware of when searching for a lawyer who can help you with your birth injury include:

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#1 What is the lawyer’s focus on law?

A lot of general practitioners and personal injury lawyers will promote Birth injury assistance. However, in reality the majority of these firms don’t take on birth injury cases in-person. Instead, they just send birth injuries cases to niche firms, in order to receive some of the settlement amount. It is best to choose an attorney and company which is solely focused on the law governing birth injuries. They are more likely to possess the expertise of healthcare law and law required to prevail in these complicated cases.

Another benefit of choosing an organization that concentrates in birth-related injuries is the lawyer who handles your case will receive a lot of support from their colleagues. Our attorneys are highly skilled, however they all have their own strengths, and greatly benefit from being able to draw on their experiences and expertise.

#2 How is the lawyer’s relationship with medical experts?

Although the top birth injury attorneys be knowledgeable about neonatal and obstetrics and so on. Assistance from medical experts can be beneficial in the interpretation of medical records and interpreting complicated medical details. Alongside consulting with experts from outside and experts, the top birth injury firms also have in-house medical teams. Find out more about our nurses in-house, Andrea and Lesley, and how they are a part of our cases.

#3 What other experts do the attorney collaborate with?

A reputable birth injury attorney has a vast group of experts that they can collaborate with. It is possible to inquire about their participation in important legal organizations like those of the Birth Trauma Litigation Group (BTLG) and the American Association for Justice (AAJ). Click here for more information regarding our lawyers’ involvement and leadership positions in the legal organizations.

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#4 Are you required be required to purchase legal fees in advance?

Make sure you are only paid if the firm wins or settles the case to your advantage (a contingent fee agreement). This means you will not lose money in the course of you are pursuing the case.

#5 What have former clients had words to share about the lawyer and the firm?

Review testimonials from clients as well as reviews of their site (see one of ours below). Also, you can look up the reviews posted from Google, Facebook, and other sites.

#6 What other qualifications does an attorney possess?

It is recommended to review their CV (our lawyers provide their CVs as an element of their biography). Attorneys who are incredibly involved in the field of birth injury law not only have extensive experience managing cases involving birth injuries, but also have relevant professional experience and achievements. For example, they should regularly participate in conferences/educational events related to birth injury litigation and obstetrical/neonatal medicine. This could involve joining relevant organizations , like for instance, the Birth Injury Litigation Group (BTLG).

The most skilled birth injury lawyers should also be acknowledged as specialists in their area of expertise. Evidence of expertise to be looking for are speeches (e.g. at conferences) as well as peer-reviewed journals, and awards from the legal profession.

Click here to learn about the honors our attorneys and firm have won, and click here to view our publications. Information about speaking engagements is included in the bio of each attorney.

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#7 Does the lawyer’s personality sound to be a good match?

Be sure to find an attorney who you feel confident with. Keep in mind that it’s their responsibility to respond to all your concerns and ensure that you are updated about the legal procedure. You’ll need to choose a lawyer who is pleasant, patient and has excellent communications skills.

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