Booking hotels was done based on affordability, comfort level, location or even the ratings, but before we entered this pandemic phase of life. Now, people look at the safety that is provided in these hotels. This is because of the deadly virus that we are facing. They look for proper sanitized and contactless hotel services to enjoy their stay and not have to worry about safety. If you want a modern and comfortable hotel to stay in Kasa Living is a very good choice as they have contactless service and living in a good hotel is a very important part of the vacation.

  1. App technologies-

Usage of web and app technology is very helpful as there will be lesser contact. You’ll be able to check in and check out of hotels through these apps or even just a click on the websites, payment can be done online. Even the rooms will be keyless, and no contact will be made. Smart TVs and contactless wifis have been placed in every hotel room at no extra cost. 

  1. Limiting access to hotel amenities-

The access to some hotel amenities has been limited because of the deadly virus, like the spas or the swimming pool and even the valet parking services so that nobody other than you enters your car or your safe space. Only completely vaccinated people are allowed to stay at the hotel. You even need to show the covid test negative result in some top brands. Limiting access to all these amenities ensures safety and security in the hotel some hotels are slowly allowing access to some of the amenities. 

  1. Cleaning protocols-The hotels are following major cleaning protocols. Every nook and corner of the hotels has been provided with sanitizer bottles. Each and every room has one bottle as well. Before someone books the room the entire room is sanitized and cleaned. This is also done after the customer checks out of the hotel room. There are no TV remotes as the apps on your phones control the TVs protocols doorknobs have been indisposed in some of these places as the door opens with just one click on your phone. This way, there is no source of contact.
  2. When it comes to apartments for rent in Alexandria, they have rooms that have been provided with everything beforehand.
  1. Redesigning of eating spaces-
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The dining area and the lunchrooms have been redesigned to ensure social distancing, and buffets have been shut down for some time. You can order directly through the apps on your phone to make no contact with the menus as well. The self-service model is completely shut off for the time being. This ensures the safety and social distancing which is required in this covid-19 virus.

  1. Making customers follow certain instructions-

Hotels have set certain rules and guidelines to be followed when staying there. These rules consist of sanitizers, not bringing food or other products from other places. They are supposed to use the sanitizers every time they walk into the dining area. Cars are supposed to be spray sanitized, and masks should be on at all times. You can also use gloves for extra precautions. 

These were some things you should expect that could be changed in a hotel. They have also let the outdoors be open like the porch area has been kept open so that people can sit at a distance with their families. This way, safety along with enjoyment can be managed. Next time you go to a hotel, follow these rules, and you’ll be good to go.

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